Proximus Twice Named “Best-in-Test” by connect for Mobile Network Test and Fixed-Line Network Test

Operator shares first place with Orange Belgium in the fixed-line test.

For the first time, connect, the international telecommunication medium, has tested the performance of mobile and fixed networks in Belgium – revealing convincing results on the whole. The 2023 connect Mobile Network Test and the 2023 connect Fixed-Line Network Test provide comprehensive insights into the users’ experience. Proximus comes in first and is nominated “Best in Test” in both tests. In the fixed-line assessment, the operator shares the first place with Orange Belgium, which also receives the “Best in Test” accolade. While Proximus, Orange Belgium and Telenet achieve the grade “very good”, Scarlet, discount subsidiary of Proximus, receives the grade “good”. In the mobile test, all three operators, Proximus, BASE and Orange achieve the grade “very good”. Both tests were conducted by the infrastructure and benchmarking specialist umlaut, part of Accenture.

2023 Mobile Network Test in Belgium – Results

Proximus is “Best in Test” with 932 out of 1,000 points possible. The operator leads in the Active Download Speed category and also achieves top scores in the passively observed Download Speed, on a par with Orange.

BASE ranks second with a score of 929 points and the overall grade “very good”. The operator takes the lead in the Broadband Coverage category. In addition, BASE achieves the top score in the Stability category.

Orange is on a strong third place with 923 points and also achieves the overall grade “very good”. The operator takes the lead in the Latency and Active Upload Speed categories, and co-leads with Proximus in the passively observed Download Speeds.

Hannes Ruegheimer, editor at connect, said: “On the whole, all operators show a convincing performance. This is true for both tests. Especially, the mobile operators achieved very good results with total scores well above 920 points. Proximus has won our mobile test, followed by Base and Orange – it was a close race.”

For the assessment of Belgium’s mobile operators, a crowd-sourced analysis based on data gathered between the end of September 2022 and early March 2023 was conducted. A total of 310,952,779 samples from 89,936 users were considered, statistically representing 99.9 per cent of the built-up area of Belgium and 99.9 per cent of the country’s population.

2023 Fixed-Line Network Test in Belgium – Results

Proximus and Orange Belgium are named “Best in Test” with 897 out of 1,000 points possible each and the overall grade “very good”. Proximus leads in the actively measured as well as the passively observed Upload Speeds and in the Latency category. Orange shows the best results in the Download tests and also achieves good results in the basic KPIs of the Upload category.

The third rank goes to Telenet with 857 points and again the overall grade “very good”.
The operator shows particular strength in the actively performed Download and Upload measurements, and also scores well in the passively observed Download Speeds. Especially the good Upload performance is remarkable for a mostly coax-based network.

Scarlet Belgium NV ranks fourth and achieves 829 points and the grade “good“ with an overall stable performance. The discount subsidiary of Proximus can hold up well especially in the Passive Upload and Download assessments as well as in terms of Latencies.

Hannes Ruegheimer, editor at connect, concludes: “Our first look at the performance of the fixed-line networks in Belgium provides compelling results. The winners of our assessment, Proximus and Orange, both rank ‘very good’. Overall, the fixed-line operators perform on a very good level. We look forward to continuing monitoring the further development in this interesting market in the future.“

The assessment of Belgium’s fixed-line operators is based on a crowd-sourced analysis of 9,842,973 data samples captured from 60,042 different lines between end of September 2022 and early March 2023.

connect’s independent mobile and fixed-line network tests, conducted by umlaut, provide a fair, transparent and neutral assessment and comparison of the networks' capabilities to customers, management and supervisory boards of network operators. First conducted in Germany more than 20 years ago, the assessments have then been extended to Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It has become the de-facto industry standard for customer-perceived network quality.